Sunday, May 17, 2009


So here I sit wondering what this next week will bring to my life. My husband flies up to Philly for his job interview. I know from past experience that my husband has never flown somewhere where he didn't get the job and we moved. I am so sad about this. When we moved to Florida I was so excited to finally be back in this state. We lived here back in 2000 to 2002. I really loved it. I am the kinda girl that loves to be warm. I hate cold weather....rain, snow, sleet, scraping ice off the windows in the morning, and the list goes on and on. Thankfully though after much discussion with my hubby we have decided that if he takes the job that he will go and me and the kids will stay for a year. That within itself brings on another reason to be sad. I don't want to be apart that long. We have worked it out so that he can come home every 8 weeks or so but still. I will have to be a full time student with an internship and a full time single parent.....not exactly where I say myself a year ago.

On top of all of the stuff above my Grandpa Jim and Nephew Ethan are coming to stay with us this summer. They will be here from Mid June to Mid August. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about it. But I have soooo much I need to do before they get here. When I fly up there I am going to New Hampshire to host my Best Friend's Bridal Shower. So I have to get all that stuff together and get the house in order for them to come visit. Oh and did I mention that I am going to school this summer. Only 2 classes but one of them happens to be a Loss and Bereavement , can I tell you how much fun that is.....NOT!!! It brings up alot of things that happened in the past that I am not sure I want to bring back up. Oh and I have to write about my own death. Too much fun for one person don't ya think??

So I guess how this summer will go and what the future holds comes down to one things and that is.......Tuesday!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


So since the last time I blogged some things have changed. Since December my hubby has had 3 10% pay cuts and he lost the night shift differential. Hubby has been coming home every week for a couple of months asking me to send out resumes. So I have been. Well on Tuesday he got a call from a company that is very interested in him. The plant is in PA. We have talked about this before and we had decided that We (me and the kids) would stay here while he goes up and works. Well now that it is a possibility hubby doesn't want to be without us. Now I realize it will be hard and ideally I would not prefer it to be that way but honestly there is no other choice. I was looking online to see what the cost of living is up there and honestly in order to make it up there I would have to work full time along with going to school. I just don't want to do that. I have but I didn't get to see my family at all. To me it just isn't worth it. However there are many many job opportunities for social workers if you have your BS which I will have in a year. I just can't see leaving when I am so close to that goal. I can put off grad school for a semester but not my BS. My good friend Annie has offered to let me and the kids stay for a year. The fact that she would offer such a wonderful thing is amazing. She truly is a wonderful person and a great friend. After discussing this with hubby he seems less upset about having to be gone from us for so long. The other thing that is troubling is the kids. Hubby told the boys today and Ty wasn't too bad but Gabe just lost it. It is such an awful feeling to see your child cry like that. I wish there was another option but really it seems like the company he is with now is sinking fast and we truly can not take another pay cut. We have dealt with moving many times before but this time it is so much harder. So whether we like it our not I think the only thing about the future that I am sure of is.....Change is a coming!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


So I finished my final yesterday!!! I am so glad to have gotten that finished. Now I have to memorize a song in sign language by Monday Night!!! Lord help me!!!! Thankfully my best friend Yvonne, who lives in New Hampshire is going to skype with me this afternoon to help work on it. She will be graduating this summer with her Masters degree in deaf education. First though I need to translate it into sign which you would think would be easy but it is more about the meaning of the words then the words themselves. And she doesn't want you repeating words over and over so I have to come up with new words that mean the samething. Fun Fun Fun!!! So I am off to figure out what exactly is my sign!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009


I can't seem to focus on my final exam that is due by 5pm today. It isn't a very hard essay type exam but I just can't seem to stay focused on it. I know it will get done. I don't have any other choice. Then after that I have to get busy memorizing my song for my sign language final on Monday, which by the way I have to perform in front of a live audience. Lord I am not looking forward to that at all. We were told to pick a song from the year we were born. After picking 3 that she didn't like she finally chose I write the songs by Barry Manilow. I am glad that it is a slow song but still, Lord give me strength to get through this. The funny part is most of the people in my class are like 13 years younger then me and the songs they have I remember dancing around the house too. So I am sure we will all be laughing at each other during the performances. Anyway back to the final.....I need to focus.....focus......FOCUS!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ok so I know the reason behind having a period. I understand the importance of having one when you are trying to conceive. I realize that it is the body's natural way but gosh darn it I am tired of it. I have 4 kids now I am not having anymore. My great husband had the big V right after Emma was born. So why on earth do I still have to have my period every freaking month??? I wish we could just take a magic pill and stop it forever. I think I have decided to do uterine ablation but unfortunately the insurance my husband has doesn't cover this SO I have to wait. UGH!!! I really wish that Aunt Flow would forget my address....PERMANENTLY!!!!

Here we go...

With such a busy life I thought it was time to start blogging about it. Between 4 kids, a husband, being a full-time college student and more laundry then I care to deal with I thought now would be a good time to start.